Mohammad Mazharul Islam

Department of Chemical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

              The current research work is based on Quantification of System Nonlinearity using Time-series based measures

Nonlinearity in a process plays a significant role in its closed loop performance. For the proper use of process control techniques, it is important to have an idea about the degree of nonlinearity of a system. The extent or degree of nonlinearity of a system largely depends on the system characteristics, operating regions and the type and magnitude of the input signals to the system. There are two broad approaches to measure nonlinearity of a process. One is based on the input–output relationship or the model of the system and the other is based on the output time series of the process. The objective of this research work is to evaluate the performance of various time series based measures of nonlinearity using simulation study and experimental study. The conical water tank system located in the departmental process control laboratory will be used for experimental evaluation.


One Published research work has been carried out so far.


Simulation of an Industrial Scale Ammonia Plant Using Hysys.

This is an Undergraduate thesis work of me and my partner Md. Jasim Uddin, also a graduate from Chemical Engineering Department, BUET. The work was performed during the year 2009. Dr. M A A Shoukat Choudhury, Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, BUET has supervised the work throughout the period.

In this thesis: A simplified simulation model of an ammonia production process has been developed using HYSYS. Special attention has been given to the steady state modeling using proprietary equipment data of Haldor Topsoe technology for ammonia process. Performance of this model has been compared with actual data from Jamuna Fertilizer Company Ltd, a 1085 MTPD capacity ammonia plant in Bangladesh. Steady state simulation results were within 4.4% variation from real plant data. Plant start up condition has also been analyzed and explained. The secondary objective was to develop a dynamic model using appropriate sizing and kinetic data. Two ratio controllers have been implemented to control the steam to carbon ratio and flow rates of burner air to fuel natural gas ratio. Behavior of the model with change in natural gas pressure has also been studied.

The following image is the snapshot of the Process Flow Diagram from HYSYS simulation window.

              Ammonia PFD      
See in high resolution
              The folowing image shows the simulation results, comparing the model parameters with real plant (JFCL) parameters.      
              simulation result      


One design project was carried out:




Four chemical engineering graduates (Md. Jasim Uddin, Masudur Rahman, Zannatul Ferdous and me) worked under the supervision of Dr. A K M A Quader for one year to carry out design calculations for this plant.

The objective of this design project was to design a 35 wt% Hydrogen Peroxide plant with a capacity of 10 ton/day using PRF outlet gas of an ammonia plant(JFCL, Jamalpur) as raw material. The plant location has been selected as Jamalpur on the bank of Jamuna river. The design basis for the project has been set according to the soil, climatic condition and environmental regulation prevailing in the country. The material, energy and utility balance for the whole plant has been carried out. All the equipments has been sized. Detailed mechanical design of four major equipments has been performed and control system has been proposed. The plot plan has been drawn. Finally, a comprehensive economic analysis has been performed to justify the implementation of such project.

              The following is the Process Flow Diagram of the designed plant.      
              Hydrogen Peroxide Plant      
              For a detailed high-resolution version, click here.